讲座编号:jz-yjsb-2011-y015 讲座问题:“Pragmatism and American Ideas of Community” 讲座职员:Dr. Scott M. Campbell, professor, Nazareth College of Rochester 讲座时间:2011年5月18日(星期三) 下昼2:00 讲座所在:阜成路校区教三楼314课堂 加入工具:法学院与马克思主义学院的研究生、部分西席 主理单位:研究生部 承办单位:法学院 |
讲座内容简介: In this talk, he will a) discuss the metaphors that have been used to describe the United States (melting pot, tossed salad, ethnic stew), b) give a very brief history of political thought, c) introduce the notion of pragmatism and pragmatic truth, d) discuss the work of John Dewey, Richard Rorty, and Josiah Royce, and then e) draw conclusions about why he thinks that food metaphors are not helpful in describing a community. His aim is to show that in a community one must be committed both to their small towns and villages and at the same time be committed to the community as a whole. He wants to show how community is natural (as it is in ancient philosophy, Plato and Arisotle) and not artificial (as it is in Hobbes, Machiavelli, and Rousseau). He is critical of Dewey and Rorty when they say that there is no such thing as truth. He tries to develop a notion of consensus that is grounded in truth. |
“Pragmatism and American Ideas of Community”
泉源 :研究生部
作者 :研究生部
时间 :2011-05-18
浏览 :644