讲座问题:Consumer behavior – Activating the consumer in a world full of stimuli
主 讲 人: Busch Maike,Lecturer International Marketing
Fontys International Business School,Venlo,The Netherlands
讲座时间:2013年10月22日(周二)晚上 18:00
As consumers, we are exposed to way more information than we can process each day. There are so many information, advertisements and knowledge around us, that we often have a difficult time to actually receive the information given. From the Marketing perspective, it is important to find a way to activate the consumer, so that he actually sees and receives the information we want to give him as a company. So, we have to find ways to reach the consumer.
We can do this through commercials and advertising with emotional, cognitive and physical stimulation.
In this lecture, The lecturer will give a short introduction to consumer behavior, will then show the activation process and how the marketers can use these forms of stimulation. She will show pictures and if possible also commercials from the internet.