讲座问题:Maximum Resolution Dichotomies- A New Methodology for Data Analytics
主 讲 人:James K. Ho
James K. Ho is a professor of Information & Decision Sciences in the College of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA and recipient of the 2012 Global Award for Best Professor in Information Systems from the World Education Congress.He graduated from Columbia University in 1970 and obtained his PhD from Stanford University in 1974. Dr. Ho's recent research focuses on innovation in supply chain governance, multilingual online communication, topological analysis of online auction markets, and maximum resolution dichotomy for data mining and visualization in business analytics.
A new methodology has been developed for complex data mining in which the attributes can be cast into a dichotomy. It is shown that the relative dominance of the two parts in such a dichotomy can be measured by the corresponding areas in its star plot. An optimization model is used to maximize the resolution of such a measure by choice of configuration of the attributes, as well as the angles among them. We illustrate this approach to Maximum Resolution Dichotomy (MRD) with diverse applications in e-business, management, economics, and technology diffusion.
泉源:研究生部 | 作者:|
宣布时间:2013-03-11 |