讲座问题:Inspire your innovation and improvement in food biotechnology
主 讲 人:朱阳 教授 荷兰应用科学研究院(TNO),瓦赫宁根大学 (WURC)
1978 年考入华东化工学院(现华东理工大学)生化工程专业,1982 年结业留校任教至 1993 年。1986 年受教育部派遣到德国明斯特大学微生物所当会见学者。1993 年起在荷兰应用科学研究院(TNO),瓦赫宁根大学 (WURC) 等单位事情。1997 年获瓦赫宁根大学博士学位。先后在”Trends in Biotechnology”(同领域期刊排名 3/161),”Trends in Food Science and Technology”(同领域期刊排名3/124),”Biotechnology Advances”(同领域期刊排名 6/161)等国际一流刊物揭晓文章。担当诸多国际学术刊物评审,国家(自然科学基金委和教育部长江学者)外洋评审专家和欧友邦际项目评审专家。担当中国生物工程学报,微生物学报编委。
Biotechnology is originated from traditional food fermentations. Those look-like empirical traditional food fermentations, in particular in China, have rich knowledge in microbiology, biochemistry, food science and technology, bioprocess engineering and chemical engineering.
Many potentials can be explored to serve the modern society for our better quality of life in general, food safety and quality in particular. The presentation will introduce how to inspire your innovation and improvement in food biotechnology/food fermentation with case study examples that can be used as reference for high-quality scientific publications, PhD thesis, funding application and project setup, all with the focus on maximal social, economic, technical and environmental impact.